Tuesday 9 June 2015

10 Personality Traits That Make the Complete Man

Every girl looks for a guy who would fill her life
with blissful romance. Girls dream about
getting a guy who would be no less than the
Disney princes and the celebrities they had
grown up fantasizing about. But what makes
for an ideal perfect guy? Nobody is perfect –
that goes without saying. What the girls look
for is a man who would be an ideal lover, a
perfect partner and someone who must
believe in love as strongly as they do. He
should have those qualities that they had
envisioned to find in their partner.
Most of the girls look for similar qualities in a
man. Have you seen some chick flicks?
Noticed the hero in those films? Yes, that’s
the kind of guy most of the girls want. Do
such guys exist? Yes, they do. And, they work
really hard to become the ideal, perfect guy.
Here are 10 personality traits that make the
ideal perfect guy:

1. Caring
Girls like guys who care for them. He should
check on your health when you are down
with fever and should be willing to take a day
off if you are feeling low and want some
company. He is someone who would take a lot
of interest in your daily schedule and make
sure your day goes well. He would always be
available for you, no matter what.

2. Sense of humor
He should have a good sense of humour. A
person who has a good sense of humour is a
happy person. He should be able to crack you
up when you are depressed. He should not be
conscious of making a fool out of himself to
make you laugh. There is quite nothing like a
healthy conversation interspersed with a
generous dose of humor.
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3. Ambitious
A person with no goal means a person with no
direction in life, whatsoever. If the guy is
ambitious, he is serious about his career and
life. He wants to scale greater heights in life
and of course, take you along with him. He
will also inspire you to be serious about your
career goals and help you in achieving them.

4. Loyal
Loyalty is of utmost importance in a
relationship. How can a relationship survive if
your partner is not loyal to you? He should be
absolutely honest with you and you should be
the only person adorning the walls of his
heart. A girl looks for a guy whom she can
place her trust in. Loyalty is the basic
foundation of a long-lasting relationship.

5. Selfless
The happiness and well-being of his loved
ones should matter more than his own good.
He should have a big heart with love for
everyone around him. He should not be
driven by selfish motives and should think
about keeping others happy. He should be
more concerned about his loved ones than
himself. Such a guy is loved and respected by

6. Smart
He should be an outspoken and confident
person; someone who can face the world.
Smartness is very essential to survive in this
world. It is not only a survival tool but it also
helps in making an impression on others. He
should be able to carry himself well. After all,
you would like to be accompanied by a guy
suave, sophisticated guy, right?
7. Experienced
He should have seen a fair bit of life and
should be aware of the various ways in which
this world functions. He could share his life
experiences with you which would add to
your perspective about the world. His
knowledge and wisdom will help you grow as
a person. There is no point in being with a
person who does not help you grow. You both
could discover the world together.

8. Secure
He should be a very secure person and should
not have ego issues. He should not be
insecure of the people around him and
encourage everyone to prosper and grow. He
should not compare himself to anyone and
should be comfortable in his own skin. He
should be proud of his achievements but
should not brag about them.

9. Protective
He should be protective about you. He should
give you your space but at the same time
ensure that you feel comfortable and secure
at all times. He should be there for you when
you need him and should not abandon you at
the time of a crisis. He should make you feel
that you can count on him and fall back on
him when you are in trouble.

10. Loves you
The most basic and important quality that he
must have is to love you unconditionally.
Every person is flawed in some way or other.
He must respect you for what you are and
love you with all your flaws. He should know
you inside and out and familiar with all your
quirks. He should love you with all your good
and not-s-good qualities. Of course, you must
do the same to him and it will be a happily
ever after.
You must keep looking for the ideal perfect
guy before you find him. But, you should not
be very choosy or picky either. Every human
being has its own set of flaws and but there
are certain traits that cannot be compromised
upon. If the guy possesses all the
aforementioned qualities, then he is the one.

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