Sunday 31 May 2015

How to Be a Good Boyfriend

Being a good boyfriend isn't always easy, even if you have an amazing girlfriend. To be a good boyfriend, you have to know how to communicate with your girl, and how to be loving and affectionate without smothering her. A good boyfriend knows how to understand where his girlfriend is coming and when to give her space. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps.
Part 1 of 5: Communicating Well
  1. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 1Bullet2.jpg
    Be honest. In any relationship, honesty is almost always the best policy. If you're honest from the beginning of your relationship, then you'll be less likely to run into trouble down the line. To be honest, you should be comfortable telling your girlfriend what you were up to when you were together and to talk about your past without going into too much detail.
    • You should tell her what she needs to know without overwhelming her with the truth. If you had a serious past relationship, you can let her know without revealing every little detail about your ex.
    • Temper your honesty with kindness. Don't feel as if you have to make every response seem like a compliment. Instead, offer an alternative. For example, if she asks you if you like something she is trying on, let her know that it might work, but you think the blue one is your favourite so far because it shows off her great eyes.
    • You should not only be comfortable with being honest, but you should be accepting of her honesty as well. If you want to be a good boyfriend, you should be able to handle the truth.
  2. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 2Bullet1.jpg
    Trust her. Trust your girlfriend and give her reason to trust you. Trust should form the foundation of your relationship; after all, love is a combination of trust and commitment. This will allow you to create a more open relationship toward each other, as well as creating a very good understanding in what your mate wants, feels, and needs.
    • You can trust your girlfriend by telling her something that a lot of people don't know about you -- because you really want her to know.
    • You can make her trust you by showing that you care and are concerned if she tells you something personal and important to her.
  3. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Contribute equally to conversations. When you talk, aim for at least a 60-40 balance in the flow of conversation. It's awkward when a partner is either too quiet or too talkative. If you're too quiet, she'll think you're not interested in her, or that you're being distant. If you're too talkative, she'll think you're self-obsessed or plain impolite. But if she's naturally more shy or talkative than you are, don't try to change her, either.
    • Conversations are about give and take. You shouldn't just be telling her a long story, waiting for her to react.
    • Obviously, there will be occasions when you do talk a lot (such as when something exciting or important happens) or when you retreat a bit (such as when something bad happens) but on the whole, aim for a balance of conversation.
    • When the talk seems to falter, use questions to keep it going. Ask her what movies she enjoys and which are her favorites. Ask her what her favorite season is and what she likes most about it. Ask her what her favorite toy was when growing up and why. You get the drift––little questions can lead to more discussion.
  4. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Be a good listener. Remember, the opposite of talking is not waiting for your turn, it's listening. Make sure you're actually listening, not just waiting for your turn to talk. Don't listen too intensely and don't stare––not once breaking eye contact is a bit scary! Always seem interested and fully engaged in her presence.
    • If you're just waiting for her to stop talking so you can say your part, it'll be obvious.
    • Remember, a conversation with your girlfriend isn't just acknowledging, it's also about remembering. If your girlfriend is telling you about an important experience, don't just put the story in your short-term memory.
    • If she's told you something twice before and you have no idea what she's talking about because you weren't really listening, she'll know and she won't be happy about it.
  5. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Learn to compromise. Compromise is a big part of successful communication. If you and your girlfriend can't disagree without getting into a big fight or without one person immediately giving in to the needs of the other, then you have a problem. To be good at compromising, you should be able to talk about your needs and wants while understanding where your girlfriend is coming from instead of ignoring her side of the story.
    • After you and your girl both talk about what you think about a certain situation, you can work together to make a pro and con list, and to decide what will be best for both of you.
    • Sometimes, you and your girlfriend will have to give in to one another. That's okay, as long as you're taking turns. If she picks the movie for date night, you should pick the dinner location.
    • Part of learning to compromise is using a calm, even voice when you have a disagreement, instead of yelling or not being willing to listen if you don't get your way. Remember, as the boyfriend you're not always expected to be the "stone" or solid part of your relationship. It's ok to give in to your girlfriend's wants and needs occasionally, even if you feel the choice is very one sided. Just don't be a pushover.

Part 2 of 5: Being Supportive

  1. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 6Bullet1.jpg
    Be supportive. You can show support by being available, listening attentively and showing your interest in the things she has to tell you. When you spend time together, make an effort to be present and attentive to her needs. By being supportive, you'll help to strengthen the sense of security and reciprocity in the relationship. And if you support her goals and dreams, then she'll support yours in turn.
    • Be there when she has to study for any upcoming exams, apply to college or any career-oriented programs, or when she's stressed about anything that is coming up that can affect her future.
    • If she's having a busy week or month, you should be there to help her out by doing small favors, like picking up lunch or giving her a ride to class, to make her days easier.
  2. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    Compliment her sincerely. You should compliment your girlfriend as often as you can without making her feel smothered. You should both compliment her looks, letting her know that she looks cute whether she's all dressed up or just hanging out in casual clothes, and her personality. That way, she'll know that you care about her appearance and what's on the inside. Girls generally earn confidence about themselves if you tell them reasons they should be. They will usually notice that their newfound/strengthened confidence had something to do with your compliments.
    • Go beyond the ordinary statements. For example, don't just say, "You look nice." Instead, say "That really makes your eyes shine," or "Your haircut really suits the shape of your face." The more specific you are, the more unique and appreciative the compliment.
  3. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    Be sympathetic. If it means something to her, it means something to you. It doesn't matter that you wouldn't be interested in the issue if it weren't for her––a relationship is about sharing experiences and being supportive. When she's upset, try to put yourself in her shoes and understand where she's coming from. Don't just dismiss her feelings because you think it's "not that big of a deal." Always confirm that you are listening and sound sincere when you comfort her. If you don't feel like you are genuinely sorry, try to change the way you think. Remember, if you are sympathetic, even if you break up you will have earned a good reputation for being a "sweet" boyfriend.
    • Sometimes, she may just want to cry and to be comforted. Don't try to fix her problems right away -- wait for her to deal with all of her emotions before being practical.
    • If she's upset, it's important to ask, "Do you want to talk about it?" Make her see that you really care. And if she's not ready to talk about it yet, don't pry.

Part 3 of 5: Being Affectionate and Loving

  1. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    Show affection often. Show your girlfriend that you love her by being affectionate. Small touches, hugs, a kiss and maybe a little public display of affection (PDA) are just some of the ways of connecting through affection.
    • Don't overdo it––you don't want to make her uncomfortable. Remember to read her signs, and if she's not in the mood, don't kiss her.
  2. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    Make physical contact. Girls are usually more sensitive than guys, so even a light touch is appreciated. If your girl is a romantic, upon seeing her for the first time in a couple of days, say, "I missed you..." and weave your arms around her hips then give her a loving hug. A hug in public can last anywhere from five seconds, to a minute or two but again, read her signals to see if time's up.
    • If you have been together with your girlfriend for longer, and have kissed before, feel free to also give a light kiss on her lips/cheek/forehead/neck just to show that you really appreciate her presence. Or just kiss her hand by clasping and bringing it up to your lips.
    • If you're not sure how your girlfriend feels about public displays of affection, be discreet at first. Believe it or not, not every girl is into holding hands.
  3. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    Appreciate her looks. You should love how she looks, both with and without makeup. Make sure she knows she can relax and be herself with you. Don't make her feel like she always has to look like a celestial being. You should let her know that she looks pretty whether she's spent an hour getting ready or if she's just woken up.
    • If she gets a new haircut or a new outfit, let her see that you've noticed and that she looks amazing.
  4. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 12 Version 2.jpg
    Give her presents on special occasions. Put thought into a birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas or anniversary gift and other special occasions. Choose a gift that is reasonable and thoughtful; it doesn't need to be expensive, just considerate of who she is and her likes.
    • Think of special touches, like adding a her name to a necklace, or a pendant representing something she cares about, such as a snowflake if she loves to ski or a musical note if she loves to play an instrument, etc. Usually, unless she doesn't like chocolate, a gift of some will be appreciated.
    • Notice her interests when you're out together. She might make mention of something she likes in a shop window, or something she wishes she could try, like going for a horse ride or abseiling. Don't just think of tangible items––experience gifts can be far more exciting and fun than a list of things.
    • Flowers are often an ideal gift. They're pretty, they're thoughtful and they're not going to break the budget. If she really likes a certain type of flower, buy her the plant for her garden or windowsill; she can tend to it and continue to be reminded of you.

Part 4 of 5: Being Spontaneous
  1. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 13 Version 3.jpg
    Keep your relationship fresh. Try not to fall into a rut of always doing the same things. While you probably have one or two regular things you enjoy doing together, avoid making the regular the only things you do. Instead, try visiting new places, giving new activities a go and going to different parts of town. Even if the new activities don't turn out the way you'd hoped, at least you've shared the experience and are getting to know one another even better.
    • By mixing things up, you keep the excitement in your relationship and make your outings together refreshing. You are also creating memories together that will endure well beyond the experiences.
    • In time, the two of you should grow to be comfortable with each other, and do things together without feeling self-conscious. Ideally, your girlfriend should never feel stupid around you for wanting or doing a particular thing. Always be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.
    • Surprise your girlfriend by doing something offbeat now and then -- this could include anything from racing your girlfriend to your walking destination, dancing without music, or even bringing her a tub of Lego bricks and encouraging her to build something that represents the two of you.
    • (read here: 8 good ways that show that you just need sex ) 
  2. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 14 Version 2.jpg
    Get her a gift just because. Pick something up out of the blue now and then and give it to her just because your were "thinking of her". This sort of gift has great impact because it's so unexpected and delightful. Sean Connery summed it up best when he said that "[t]he way to a woman's heart is through an unexpected gift at an unexpected time."
    • If you're feeling affectionate, sentimental, or just lucky, go out and get your girlfriend a gift -- even if her birthday is just a few weeks away.
  3. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 15Bullet1.jpg
    Take a surprise trip. Though a trip away from home is not a good long-term solution for any relationship, taking a surprise trip for the weekend, or even for the day, is a great way to keep things feeling exciting and spontaneous, like anything can happen. You can pick a location in advance and just tell her what to pack without saying where you're going; she'll love the mystery and excitement of going to an unknown location.
    • You can also be spontaneous together. You can pull out a map, draw a circle within a 50 mile (80 km) radius of where you live, and have her close her eyes and point at a random location, which will be your destination for the day.
    • Has there been a place that she's mentioned wanting to see? If she's mentioned the fact that she's never checked out a national park or quirky town not too far from where you live, take her there without telling her where you're going. She'll love the spontaneity and the fact that you took the time to listen to her.

Part 5 of 5: Maintaining Your Independence

  1. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 16Bullet1.jpg
    Give her space. Just because your girlfriend is your significant other, it doesn't mean she is yours, implying some kind of ownership. You can't keep this person all to yourself. To give her space, you should be comfortable doing your own thing and letting her do hers. You don't have to be attached at the hip to have a great relationship. In fact, if you let her pursue her own interests and hang out with her girlfriends without checking in every five seconds, she'll like you even more.
    • Find a balance that lets you both spend some time alone, spend time with your individual friends, and spend time with each other.
    • You might get jealous if she talks to someone else, but if you trust her and you're good to her, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
  2. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 17 Version 2.jpg
    Take care of yourself. Don't be needy or dependent. Nothing scares a person away faster than spending time around someone who constantly needs to be reminded to do laundry, take a shower, or get to work on time. Be hygienic and neat, set goals, and work hard. You can't be a good boyfriend if you're not taking responsibility for yourself.
  3. 3
    Spend time with your separate friends. Encourage her to have time with her friends and expect the same in turn for time with your friends. Though every night shouldn't be "boy's night" or "girl's night," you should be comfortable enough to let her spend time with her friends, and to hang out with your boys, without wishing you were with your girlfriend the whole time.

    • Spending time with your separate friends will make you appreciate each other even more when you see each other again.
      Be a Good Boyfriend Step 18Bullet1.jpg
    • Maintaining different social schedules will also give you something to "report back" when you are together again.
  4. Be a Good Boyfriend Step 19 Version 2.jpg
    Maintain some separate interests. Keep up your hobbies, sports and other interests that you had before each of you met; show an interest but don't force yourself into doing those things unless you're genuinely interested. Though it'll be great to find a hobby, sport, or activity that you both like together, you shouldn't force her to watch football with you if she doesn't want to, and you shouldn't have to go to yoga with her unless it's something you wanted to try.
    • Maintaining your separate interests will help you maintain a sense of individuality, and to grow separately so that you can grow together.

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    let us know in the comment below

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    How to Be a Good Boyfriend
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Have you ever wondered how to be perfect? Don't you wish there was a guide that could tell you how to be the best that you could possibly be? Your wish has been granted! Here are some ways to help yourself feel more perfect. Just follow these steps and you'll be on your way to perfection!

Part 1 of 2: Looking Perfect

Be a Perfect Girl Step 1.jpg
  1. 1
    Clean up. Practicing good hygiene gives you a clean canvas for looking pretty and appealing every day. Try putting these steps into your routine:
    • Shower at least once a day. You don't have to wash your hair once a day (more on that later), but you should clean your body that often. Already had your daily shower, but you got sweaty working out/walking home/going to your job? Shower again.
    • Wash your hair at least every other day. How often you wash your hair depends on your hair type. If it tends to be coarse and dry, you can probably get away with washing every other day (and it will actually look better than it would if you washed every day). If it's thin and silky, though, you might want to stick to washing every day.
    • Brush, floss and use mouthwash. Do all three twice a day, and you'll have a clean and appealing mouth.
    • Deodorize. Put a deodorant (or combination deodorant-antiperspirant) under your armpits as soon as you get up in the morning, and reapply as necessary. If you still struggle with sweating, look for an extra-strength or clinical-level deodorant.
    • Take care of your nails. Treat yourself to a mini mani-pedi at least once a week when you get out of the shower. Clean under all 20 fingernails and toenails, and trim them down. For extra fun, throw on a coat of nail polish.
  2. Be a Perfect Girl Step 2.jpg
    Take care of your skin. If your skin is glowing and clear, you won't need much makeup to look stunning — which is handy on days when you're in a hurry.
    • Cleanse. Use a cleanser that's appropriate for your skin type twice a day.
    • Tone (optional). If you tend to have oily skin, you can use a toner to remove excess oil after washing. Start out only using it at night, and ramp up to twice a day if you need more help.
    • Moisturize. Apply lotion to your skin twice a day, before putting on makeup. If you tend to have oily skin, choose something light or gel-based; if you're dry, you'll need a heavier cream.
    • Stay clear of acne. You can use treatments containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to combat pimples on your own. If that's not working, consider seeing a dermatologist. What ever you do, do not try to pop zits! That can scar your face and lead to more zits! And when you do pop or poke them they get red! Makeup can work to cover them up in case of acne emergency, but makeup clogs pores and not only makes them HUGE when your older, and makeup is very unhealthy..
    • Protect your skin from sun damage. If you're going to be outside for more than 15 minutes, put some sunscreen on any exposed skin. (You'll be thankful in 30 years, when your tanned friends have wrinkles but your skin is still supple and firm.)
  3. Be a Perfect Girl Step 3.jpg
    Get rid of stray hairs. How you choose to manage body and facial hair is up to you, but most girls in Western culture remove any facial hair other than eyebrows, armpit hair, and leg hair. Consider these options for managing growth:
    • Plucking. This is the best and most common way to groom your eyebrows on your own. If you're not sure where to pluck, consider having your brows professionally shaped the first time. After that, you can do maintenance on your own by simply removing the small regrowth.
    • Shaving. Shaving is the cheapest and most common way of removing armpit and leg hair. Make sure your razor is sharp, and spread either shaving cream or hair conditioner over the area you're shaving — not only will it help you keep track of your progress, it helps you avoid cuts.
    • Waxing. Waxing yourself can lead to disaster, but visiting a professional can be an efficient way to manage hair growth if you have the money. Make sure the esthetician you choose follows strict health and safety standards.
  4. Be a Perfect Girl Step 4.jpg
    Style your hair. The hairstyle that looks best on you depends on a lot of factors — such as the shape of your face or the texture of your hair — but you can do some basic maintenance without going overboard.
    • Keep your hair brushed or combed, trim split ends every 6 to 8 weeks, and try not to go overboard on styling products such as gel and hairspray.
    • Check out How to Do Simple and Cute Hairstyles for some more specific ideas.
  5. 5
    Apply makeup . Not everyone chooses to wear makeup, but it can be used to enhance your natural beauty. Here are some basic guidelines:
    • Wear a foundation that's as light as possible. Foundation should cover imperfections without completely hiding your skin. Start with a sheer powder and, if that's not working, move up to a matte liquid.
    • Lighten under-eye circles. If you tend to get dark purple marks under your eyes (whether it's because of allergies or sleep deprivation), you can apply concealer to make the skin look lighter.
    • Apply eye makeup. You can go small and stick to some light eyeshadow, or go all-out with eyeshadow, liner and mascara.
    • Use blush to make your cheeks glow. Pick a shade that's close to what your cheeks look like when you blush naturally, and use a light hand — a little goes a long way here.
    • Wear lipstick or lip gloss. For everyday wear, choose a color that's only a shade or two darker than your natural lip. For special occasions, try something that's close to the color of the inside of your lips.
  6. Be a Perfect Girl Step 6.jpg
    Smell amazing. Being generally clean will already help you smell good, but you can take it a step further. Use scented soaps and moisturizers, and try a few spritzes of perfume in the morning.
    • Figure out what works on you. Something that smells great on your friend might not work on your skin — everyone's chemistry is slightly different.
    • Get samples. Some websites will sell small perfume samples at a discounted price, or you can go to a department store and spray samples on pieces of paper. Try a few to figure out what you like.
  7. Be a Perfect Girl Step 7.jpg
    Dress well. Dress yourself so that you look attractive and put-together without being immodest. Here are a few ideas to consider when you're building a wardrobe:
    • Buy a few classic pieces. Straight-leg jeans, white button-up shirts, a good sweater, and a nice pair of boots are all basic pieces that can go with a lot of different outfits.
    • Don't be a slave to trends. Fads come and go, so resist the urge to buy something outrageous just because it's "in" right now. Odds are, it'll be out before you get your money's worth from it.
    • Don't overdo the accessories. Follow the old adage: Remove one item before you leave the house.
    • Make sure you always have clean laundry. Your outfit might be full of great pieces, but it'll fall flat if your clothes are dirty. Set up a laundry schedule so that you're never scrambling for clean clothes in the morning.

Part 2 of 2: Being Your Best Self

  1. Be a Perfect Girl Step 8.jpg
    Act confident. Most people are attracted to confident and optimistic personalities. Why? Probably because most people can be sad and withdrawn all by themselves, but being around someone happy lifts them up. Even if you don't always feel self-assured and happy, here's how to pull it off having magnetic confidence:
    • Practice strong posture. Keep your shoulders back, spine straight, and chin high. How you carry yourself communicates a lot to other people, so show them that you're capable and in-charge.
    • Compliment others instead of competing with them. When you notice someone doing something better than you, or what you wish you could do, pay him or her a sincere compliment instead of feeling envious. You'll feel great about doing a good turn, and it shows that you're not intimidated by the accomplishments of other people.
    • Fake it 'til you make it. No one feels confident and amazing all the time. But if you pretend you feel that way, you might actually notice your confidence improve as the day goes on.
  2. Be a Perfect Girl Step 9.jpg
    Smile often. Flashing your pearly whites is one of the best things you can do to be considered perfect.
    • Keep your smile natural and easy. Don't try to pull your lips too hard.
    • Allow your eyes to crinkle. When a smile causes your eyes to crinkle (called a Duchenne smile), people see it as more sincere.
    • Have a sense of humor. Laughing not only makes you feel better, it can help put other people at ease, too. Try not to take yourself or anything else too seriously.
  3. Be a Perfect Girl Step 10.jpg
    Be polite and respectful. Presenting yourself to the world in a way that's dignified and elegant can help you win respect and admiration from other people. Consider these methods:
    • Practice good manners. Say "please" and "thank you," and don't badmouth anyone in public.
    • Try to avoid swearing. Cursing often will make others think that you're an unintelligent, immature person and would most likely ignore you. If it slips out, that can count as an "oops!" moment, but don't make it a habit.
    • Don't put down yourself or others. Nobody's perfect, and there will be times when you need to be critical. For the most part, though, try to avoid making criticism of yourself or other people part of your daily routine.
    • Remember your values. Peer pressure can be cruel and tempting, but it's only temporary. Your values are your reputation and your future. They are all you truly possess; they take a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. Once they have been compromised, what have you got left?
    • Be mature. Know how to handle situations maturely and reasonably. You don't need to whine or cry to get what you want. It's fine to be goofy and have fun, but remember not to make a complete fool of yourself. Be cool, calm, and collected whenever possible.
  4. Be a Perfect Girl Step 11.jpg
    Maintain your own interests. Your interests are what make you interesting and unique, so make time for them. Participate in sports, music, reading, hobbies or whatever else you enjoy — it'll keep you well-rounded and fascinating.
    • Participate in extracurriculars. They're a great way to meet people!
    • Stay busy. Being busy makes you interesting, so that when you're meeting new people you have things to talk about. Think about it: you'd be more interested in someone who has several interests and always has something going on than someone who simply sits around the house all day.
  5. Be a Perfect Girl Step 12.jpg
    Focus on your education. A perfect girl always tries to be smart and get good grades. Make time to study, set up a schedule for your homework, and try to take a genuine interest in what you're learning. It'll pay off big in the future.
  6. Be a Perfect Girl Step 13.jpg
    Respect anyone and everyone. Always respect others and never let others tear you down, that will always lift you higher. Listen to your parents and respect them. Maybe once in a while clean up the house or do the dishes, they will appreciate it and you.
    • Remember to always listen to your parents, older relatives, and teachers. You might not agree with the things they say, but they are older and have more life experience. If you are obedient and pleasant when they ask something of you, they will notice and think highly of your maturity.
    • If you keep it up long enough, you may even be awarded more freedom. Just remember not to do anything crazy with your freedom or risk losing it.
  7. Be a Perfect Girl Step 14.jpg
    Be positive and proactive. You should neither seek out arguments and confrontations nor let people walk all over you or take advantage of your kindness. Letting people boss you around can damage your self-esteem and self-image. You're your own person.
    • Instead, learn to quietly diffuse arguments by being agreeable but firm. Tell people that you definitely respect their beliefs, views, or opinions, but may not necessarily agree. If someone really bothers or scares you, don't be afraid to be firm and, if necessary, tell someone.


    • Don't let rude or impolite people get to you. You don't deserve to have to listen to them. Stand up for yourself politely and quietly without seeming rude or arrogant yourself. Show them you're better than that by ignoring them or acting as if it doesn't bother you. Most importantly, never bad mouth anyone in public, you never know who may overhear you. With a little splash of bad luck, you'll say it right under the nose of a teacher and get in trouble.
    • Respect other's opinions, dreams, views and interests. If your friend supports a football team that you hate, don't say that you hate it. Try not to talk about football. Steer the conversation round to somewhere else.
    • Be approachable. Connecting with someone on a personal level makes you stand out from everyone else. Don't be too scared to talk about your business and get him to talk about his, it makes you closer and he'll appreciate it. Guys often act as if they have no feelings and are just tough, but they are just as complex as us girls are.
    • Make people feel welcome. Try not to say, "Oh no, I haven't the time." Even if you're in a hurry, stop, smile and ask them what they need. That person will respect and like you, and if you do it to everyone, people's faces will light up when they see you. Trust me, all girls reading this; it's a lovely feeling to be wanted and accepted.
    • Be ready to share a joke and laugh with someone else, even if it is your deadliest enemy who cracked the joke.
    • Part of physically taking care of yourself is being healthy and fit. This does not mean you need to have a thigh gap or washboard abs, it simply means you need to be healthy for your body type. Try running a mile every day, playing a sport, adopting a workout routine, or visiting the gym. if you don't have the time or money for these, try to look up five minute workouts and practice them every day. Not only will this keep you looking great in your body shape, it will improve your happiness and confidence too.
    • People will appreciate someone who they can easily ask to spend quality time with, rather than someone who is moody and difficult to talk to. If someone offers you something or asks you to do something with them, don't go, "Oh no, I can't. Sorry," and rush off - they will think you do not want to spend time with them. If you're just going to loll around at home when you could be out with a friend, go for the latter. If you really cannot make it, explain it as politely as you can. At the end offer to do it another time - it will make you seem gentle, reachable, polite and willing to make it up to someone when you disappoint them.
    • If anybody offers criticism, don't take it to heart but do take it on board. Don't let it get you down.
    • Be gentle. If a smaller child comes up to you and asks to join in your game, welcome them! Small children will love you! Also be kind to animals and pets, and share other's views.
    • Work on some of your flaws. To be perfect you need to be almost flawless everyday!

    What do you think about this article?
    Does it make any sense to you?
    let us know in the comment below

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    Advice on how to get through ups and downs in Relationship
    Three Likeness Of Ladies
    9 Ways To Be A Respectful Lady In A Relationship
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    Do You Think Your Boyfriend is Cheating On You?

Saturday 30 May 2015


...A must read article for all ladies...
Are you one of them that believes that all men are the same let me prove you  wrong

1. At this time you can't please anyone do what you think is the best let him know you for whom you're once you change from that you won't get his attention again
2. A lady that like clubbing the guy you met at the club do you think he's going to marry you, you beta stop fooling yourself.
3. When you said all men are the same still you attend wedding every Saturday, thos that are marrying are they marrying spirit? I pity you.

4. You too like eating my sister a guy took you out for picnic as you are eating shawamar, you're eating pizza, likewise you're eating barbecue with ice cream and soya milk.haba! D guy spent #15,000 only to eat u 4get say there is God tell me how you want him to marry you?
5. The ugly ladies are marrying and having happy home while the beautiful ones are busy doing manicure, pedicure, legcure, breastcure and bootycure by the time all the gas in your breast and booty deflate you'll know that all is shit.


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6. Your beauty is too much I know that's why you're thinking you can toil around Guys don't forget he has more than 10 ladies that are more beautiful than you.
7. You know the guy likes you but cos someone is spending more you left the guy now that the other guy left you, you end up singing your national anthem "all men are the same" I think you need to be flogged.
8. Let me ask you one thing do the know the number of people you have broken their heart? Now you're facing the return match it's a season film don't forget what goes around comes around.
9. We're in the generation that how fat you're will attract more guys continue eating like elephant by d time you deform you will know how far.
10. When you dressed with a cloth showing the action and reaction of your internal body structure to extent that an amateur artist can even sketch your naked what a disgrace to womanhood! Still you end up saying all men are the same 

have u ever wonder why many guys are leaving u?
Have u ever say sorry whenever u offend him?
Do u think of his future too or only your own?

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When 2 or more people correct u about something do u take to correction?
Stop singing your old national anthem of "all men are d Same" because d first woman that said that statement was a Chinese woman that lost her husband in d crowd and because she couldn't find him in d crowd she end up saying "all men are the same" stop saying that and be hooked I will be waiting for d invite your wedding hoping to see u soon in a happy married life av a glorious day ahead.....

For more update on relationship counseling and guidance add colonial master on whats-app 08062448921 and my BBM channel @ C0048BAE4.

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How to Approach a Girl You Don’t Know and Impress Her

Suppose you meet or see a girl at a party who is really beautiful and pretty. But you don’t know her and you are meeting her for the first time. You feel you are in love with her and you wish to approach her. What will you do? Simply walking up to her and trying to talk to her will be not justified and easy to do. You first need to come to her notice, see how she reacts towards you and then finally approach her. By approaching, we don’t mean straight away telling her that you like her and you want to date her. Approaching would mean saying hi, hello and just exchanging numbers. You need to first become friends with her and then analyze if you really want to date her or not.
 But here, the most difficult part while approaching a girl is when you don’t know her at all and you may be seeing her for the first time ever in your life. The following are a few tips that will help you while you are going to approach a girl that you want to be with and talk to – 

1.   Do not fear rejection
The first thing that comes to your mind before you even think of approaching a girl is the fear of rejection. Because of this fear, you tend to sit back and forget about your feelings before you even give it a try.

2.      Come to her notice
When you are among a gathering and there a lot many people, then it may be difficult for her to notice you unless you are the special guest of honor in that particular party. So it is important that you come to her notice by doing something out of the box and different from the crowd.

3.     Pass on romantic gestures
Once you have come to her notice and you can clearly see that she is looking at you, you can pass on romantic gestures to show that you are interested in having a one-on-one conversation with her.

4.      Go and talk to her
She will surely smile back at you if she finds you good enough to talk and be with. Once this happens, you can simply walk up to her and to start with your conversation, you can say hi, hello and offer her a drink. Then you can further proceed by asking her questions like what’s your name, what do you do, from where do you belong, etc. But don’t bore with a list of questions; instead try to have a funny and healthy conversations that helps in keeping her interested in you.

5.   Ask her for her number politely
Once you know she is really interested in having a long conversation with you, ask her polite if that’s okay with her to share her mobile number with you. If you are not comfortable in asking for her number directly, instead ask for her card. It is an even better way to indirectly have her number.

6.   Text her or call her
 Now that you have your number, what are you waiting for? Take a break of 1 day or two and text her saying hi, remembers me? Don’t forget that she has given you her number by her own choice, so it is quite possible that she may also be waiting for you call or text. If you are hesitating in calling her then you can simply drop in a text. Try and be friends with her. Tell her as many things about yourself as you can so that she can build up a trust towards you.

7.  Text her or call her
Tell her that you wish to see her again soon. If she agrees then good enough for you, and if she makes excuses, give her time. Once you know her well enough that she calls you a good person to talk to, then you can ask her again to meet you. I am sure, she won’t refuse. 

  8.   Ask her out on a date
Tell her that you wish to see her again soon. If she agrees then well enough for you, and if she makes excuses, give her time. Once you know her well enough that she calls you a good person to talk to, then you can ask her again to meet you. I am sure, she won’t refuse. 

 9.     Impress her
Once she has agreed on meeting you, plan well in advance for the date to make it special and memorable for her. Girls love surprises, so you can think of gifting her some chocolates, flower, a greeting card or even a small ornament (only if it is in your budget). This way you will definitely impress and she will know that you are really falling for her. 

  10.   Give her time to think 
    Give her time to think done rush into things even when you know that you have strong feelings for     her and she is the one you want to be with. Remember that you cannot have her forcefully.
    You have done your part by impressing her expressing your feelings for her. Wait for her to make the next move now. If your love for her is true, she will definitely agree to date you approaching a girl you like but you do not know is not difficult. But it is important that you don’t rush into things straight away. You cannot just go up to her and tell her that you are in love with her and you wish to date her. The above given are a few tips and steps to explain how you can approach a girl and impress her step by step. Follow them and sooner or later, she will be all yours.

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